Friday, February 18, 2011

The hart student lounge

It is 9:00 on wednesday febuary 16

As i begin my research while waiting for my ten o;clock class:

I begin to notice the space that i am in, to start off its around a 16'x10' room, in one wall there is a row of half full vending machines. on the other wall is the pepsi machines along with a connect card station which allows you to put money onto the card the school uses.
on every wall other than that there are billboards covered in bright colorful adds that include such things as summer work proarms ski trips, study abroad programs, semester at sea, and various things that happen around campus.
The majority of the room is filled with benches and tables, it reminds me of a pizza shop in my town. sitting at these tables are students prsumably jamming in as much homework or studying before there next class, each of them sits with a mixture of books and papers infront of them. They also have a laptop however i noticed that half of there on facebook rather than working.
I stayed a little longer than the 15 minutes as i watched a man come in with many boxes on a dolly cart. he pulled up to one of the machines and started refilling it, he was maybe in his late 30's. he wore a green polo shirt with kacki shorts. he had blong hair down do his ears. he also wore brown boots. one he was done i stopped with my reasearch.

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