Thursday, September 23, 2010

More than just reading notes... impressions

As a homework assignment the class was asked to watch four different versions of a narrative that students of past years had done. Out of the four we were asked to watch, i was most impressed by one titled more than just reading notes. What i was impressed by the balance of music, text, and pictures which were presented within the movie.

the link for the movie is :

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

KungFu Bioloid Premium Robot

My Visual Literacy Narrative

After being asked to think of a narrative that showed a struggle that i have had during my life i could think of one time that stuck out and played to the old saying that hard work pays off. The time that i am thinking of was my senior year in high school when i worked very hard to get my own bioloid robot.

the way that i can see myself presenting this narrative is to make a movie in Microsoft movie maker. showing many images of what it took to get the robot.