Friday, April 29, 2011

final paper and website

As the writing II class comes to an end, we have a paper due which combines the three previous papers. I am able to look back at my time speant observing the broad street tattoo shop and decided the reason on why people get tattoos. i am also able to add the final steps of my website as i take the last english class i am required to take.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Reading for 4/12

Our homework for 4/12 was to read the example authors final ethonography project, this last paper is a combination of the previous three in which we have done throughout the class. after reading this i see that to make a fourth paper it will not be just copying and pasteing the previous three together, rather we must usue the tree previous essays in a fluent manner in order to correctly tell the story of our place of reasearch.

Friday, April 1, 2011

in our reading that we had, we learned about the interviewing process. it said that the process is not just as easy as asking questions and expecing answers. the questions you ask are very important, even if you think that asking a good question it could steer the interviewe into giving a specific answer. to change that you want to ask open questions instead of closed ones.

Friday, March 25, 2011


On wenesday my group, the hangover, gave a presentation on document design. In the presentation we covered contrast, reptition, proximity, and alignment. and how each of these elements are important within a document, in order to: attract, guide, and keep the readers attension, which will help you display your info on a much better level.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Group work project

Much like in english 101 in english 102 there is a requirment to do a group project. In my group the hangover, (otherwise this friday known as the hungover) that consists of myself, john (gerber) costa, brian leeman, and matt schotte. For a project we have to explain design principles to the class. We plan on useing a book writing by robin williams. Not the robin williams, but close enough